Endometriosis can create a host of issues: irritable bowel, growing days of pain per month, painful intercourse, painful bowels, bladder pain. It’s not a fair disease, and it needs to be treated aggressively.
Patients dealing with endometriosis and post-surgical pain have a common condition. Normally, within the body, the different layers of tissue glide across one another. With scarring from surgery or adhesions from endometriosis, the body forms adhesions or connections between organs or layers of tissues that are not normally there. We can help treat after surgery to decrease the pain and restriction of tissues that develop most in the first year post op.
With organ mobilization and fascial work, we can optimize the movement between structures, thus reducing the amount of pain receptors.
In the US, 6 of the 10 most commonly performed surgeries are abdominal. These all can create adhesion in time. The 11th most common surgery is removal of adhesions from prior surgery, so common is the side effect. We can help reduce the cumulative sequella. Patients who have had multiple surgeries are frequently pleasantly surprised at how much gentle manual work can do, when it is highly specific in the abdomen, not just the pelvic floor. Visceral mobilization is incredible to help this.
Effective manual therapy can help reduce pain until it is an ideal time to have the endo treated by a skilled excision specialist. After surgery, skilled manual therapy is imperative to reduce pain numbers. We work in tandem with your physician to help manage pain.
Endo used to be treated with scope after scope. This is no longer what the grassroots patient movement supports, and resent research supports excision by a specialist for superior patient outcomes. If you have endo, please educate yourself on the difference between partial ablation and full excision for permanent management of the disease.
Good sources to learn from: Website for Center for Endo in Atlanta
On Facebook, there is a wonderful private group: Nancy’s Nook Endometriosis Education