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New Patient Registration Process

On your first visit, we will do a compassionate, thorough medical history review, including all areas of pelvic functioning (urinary, bowel, and bladder).  Every aspect of your history will be considered to obtain a thorough understanding of which of our treatments are warranted.  A gentle physical therapy exam will then be performed, which may include internal muscle evaluation, external joint and muscle evaluation, and gait analysis.  Together we will discuss how your condition has disrupted your life, set wellness goals, and conceive a structured therapy plan to meet those goals.  Exams are as pain free as possible:  even patients with pelvic pain are surprised that the process does not hurt.  You will need to have a physician who is overseeing your care and can sign the care plan we submit.


Reach out and let us know what services you are seeking.


Thoroughly fill out the New Patient Packet

Prepare about 45 minutes to fill out this comprehensive form so you can begin your healing journey.


After you complete your paperwork, you will be sent a link to schedule your appointment.

New Patient Info & Paperwork
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