Starting a Practice, Looking to Enhance your Practice, Education/Career Direction, and More...
Service Description
Over the years, I have had therapists ask if they can consult with me in a variety of ways. Yes, yes, yes! If my professional or life path may be of help to you, I am more than willing to share what I know. Mentoring can be done for just about any reason, but here are the usuals: 1)Local study group: I run local study groups and manual therapy classes for therapists wanting to grow their hands in this practice. Just send me a contact form and I can email you a list of upcoming events. 2) . You want to start your own practice, but are unsure how: I paid a couple mentors to help me out on the way, and it seemed every hour of consultation saved me dozens of hours of going down the wrong path. I also will be very honest if your best next step is to talk to one of my colleagues around the country and connect you. It’s all about helping people help more people! This can be a phone call or via Skype or google hangouts. It seems to me that the therapists who try to piece together their practice from advice on the fly or texting random therapists have the hardest time getting started. If you want advice for whom to consult with in a different region, just send me a message and I can give you a contact name or two! 3) Educational/Career direction: I am happy to spend time with you discussing your next steps in your career and professional development. Rates: My hourly rate is $170, which I recommend for all the sessions except #3 above, which can be a half hour slot. Any time over the hour will be pro-rated. I can provide you with a business receipt, so it is tax deductible. I will collect credit card information at the start of the call.

Upcoming Sessions
Contact Details
13635 NW Cornell Rd suite 170, Portland, Oregon 97229, USA